This site provides free ebooks on shell programming, shell scripts, bash shell, korn shell, shell commands, linux shell, awk shell, unix commands, ftp shell, advanced bash scripting, z shell, shell scripting basics, korn shell programming, bourne shell programming, C shell, z shell, etc
The following are the free shell programming ebooks provided by this site.
- A User's Guide to the Z-Shell By Peter Stephenson
- Advanced Bash-Scripting Guide By Mendel Cooper
- An Introduction to the Unix Shell - Mirrored by Steve Parker
- An Introduction to the Z Shell By Paul Falstad
- Easy Shell Scripting By Blessen Cherian
- Example Shell Scripts -
- Getting the Most From Your Shell By Paul Dunne
- ksh - Public domain Korn shell by Eric Gisin
- ksh(1) - KornShell, a standard/restricted command and programming language
- Learning the Shell By William Shotts, Jr.
- Linux Kernel Development Second Edition By Robert Love
- Linux Programming By Kurt Wall, Mark Watson, and Mark Whitis
- Linux Shell Scripting Tutorial by Vivek G Gite
- O'reilly Learning the Korn Shell By Bill Rosenblatt
- Programming the UNIX/linux Shell by Claude Cantin
- Sams Teach Yourself Shell Programming in 24 Hours
- Shell Command Language by The Open Group
- Shell Programming Part-1 by B. Brown
- Shell Programming Part-2 by B. Brown
- Shell Script Programming by Matz Kindahl
- Shell Scripts and Awk By Tim Love
- The C Shell tutorial from University of Hawaii at Manoa
- The Linux Kernel Module Programming Guide By Peter Jay Salzman and Ori Pomerantz
- THE Unix SHELL GUIDE By Norman J. Buchanan and Douglas M. Gingrich
- UNIX Bourne Shell Programming
- Unix Programming Tools By Parlante, Zelenski, and many others
- UNIX shell differences and how to change your shell from
- UNIX shell scripting with sh/ksh
- UNIX System Calls and Subroutines using C By A. D. Marshall
- Writing Shell Scripts by William Shotts, Jr.
- ZSH Documentation by Paul Falstad
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