Sunday, March 15, 2009

Amdocs Paper

Paper Type : Technical - Java
Test Date : 21 May 2004
Posted By : Jai

The test consist 4 section

for each section there will be specific time limit n after time limit

question paper collected by the invigilator


first section(25 question time 15 min. )

this section is dam easy .anyone solve it before the time

it consist 2 type of question

firstone is fill in the blanks (mostly abt the article, verb n noun)

go through any grammar book

second one is abt the passage ( 2 passage)

simle passage..many pepole do it without reading the passage

because the passage is based on DBMS n JAVA

I also do it without reading

second section (like bank apptitude 20 min. )

this section is also dam easy

it consist questin like bank apptitude test

mainly question based upon matching

for this section u no need prepration

third section(quantitaive apptitude n logical reasoning min 35 )

this section consist 25 question

simple airthmetic question .

n logical reasoning logic like banking paper coding, manipulation, arithmetic etc

one question abt cube n dice (quite tough) that is given below

one hundred and twenty five small cube of equal size are

arranged in a solid pile of dimension 5*5*5 .Then from one corner

one cube is removed from the top.From the opposite corner 8 cubes

(2*2*2)r removed from the third corner a column of three cubes and

from the fourth corner a column of 4 cubes r removed the remaining

solid r coloured red on all the exposed faces...

1. how many cubes in the secomd layer fron the top do not have any

coloured face

ans : 6

2: how many cubes in the third layer have at least two coloured faces each

ans :8

3: how many cubes in the fourth layer from the top have only one colour face each..

ans :10

4: how many cubes in the bottom layer have at least one coloured face each

ans :16

5: how many cubes in the top four layers taken together have only one coloured

face each


6: how many cubes donot have any colour face

ans : 32

7: how many cubes have three colour faces each

ans :12

8:how many cubes have only two colour faces each?

ans :24

9:how many cubes have only one colour faces each?

ans : 41

10:how many cubes are there in the top layer ?

ans : 18

but remaining question were easy

fourth section(technical) 15 question 20 min

abt 25 question (tough one)

based on c programs

BFS,DFS,Pointer concet,Linklist,Queue,stack etc

there is no negative marks for the wrong question ...

so attempt as much as possible n guess the left question

i qualified for the interview i. attempt 75% correctly my rank is 11 here

that person who toped here attemt around 75-80 % paper

for written test

try to get more marks bcas they select merit basis

not cut off basis

prepare only technical section


only one interview ..technical as well as HR ....

Panel consist only two person one tech and other r HR

Prepare well for HR ....prepare all the question and counter

question before the interview ....

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