Thursday, March 13, 2025

Wednesday, April 29, 2009

Common Interview Questions

Interviews are very important because they can fetch you your dream job. Professionalism is very much required if you are aspiring for a job in multi national companies. Companies may have casual dress code but when it comes to interview or IJP it is entirely different they require professionalism.These are some of the most common questions which you will have to face. These questions will be there no matter what job you step into. Make sure that...

Core Java interview questions

1) Explain about Core Java ?Java is increasingly used for middleware applications to communicate between Server and clients. Java has features such as multithreading, portability and networking capabilities. Changes in the java library made java as a favorite programming language for developers it added functionality to their scripts.2) State some advantages of Java?Platform independence is the key feature of Java during runtime. Syntax of java is...

Data Structures interview questions

1) What is the dissimilarity between Storage structure and file structure?The representation of a specific data structure in the memory of a computer is called a storage structure where as storage structure representation in auxiliary memory is often called a file structure.2) Define data structure in terms of relation?The possible ways in which the data items or atoms are logically related define different data structures.3) State procedure in accordance...

Cold Fusion interview questions

Describe about string encryption? CFML language provides a 32 bit encryption which is symmetric key based. This function is called as Encrypt. Cold fusion at present uses 32 bit encryption but if your application requires 1024 bit encryption you can happily use that function because cold fusion integrates with third party libraries. Cold fusion also uses Hash function which is very important in safeguarding passwords. They use MD5 and XOR based...

Cobol interview questions

What are main the differences between COBOL II and COBOL language?Following are the various differences between COBOL II and COBOL language:By using in line PERFORMs and explicit scope terminators COBOL II supports structured programming, COBOL II introduces many new features such as (SET .. TO TRUE, EVALUATE, CALL .. BY CONTEXT, etc and many more), COBOL II allows programs to be loaded and addressed above the sixteen megabyte line, some of the old...

c# interview questions

1) Explain about C#?C # is also known as c sharp. It is a programming language introduced by Microsoft. C# contains features similar to Java and C++. It is specially designed to work with Microsoft .NET platform.2) Explain about the rules for naming classes in C#?These are the rules for naming classes in c sharp.• Must begin with a letter. This letter may be followed by a sequence of letters, digits (0-9), or ‘_’. The first character in a class name...

C interview questions

Question: What is C language?Answers: The C programming language is developed in the early 1970s by Ken Thompson and Dennis Ritchie for use on the UNIX operating system. It has since extend to lots of other operating systems, and is one of the most extensively used programming languages. C is prized for its competence, and is the most popular programming language for developing system software, though it is also used for writing applications.Question:...

Algorithm interview Questions

Algorithm Questions part - IExplain the function of KWIC_Create?Answer: This algorithm analyses the input phrases and creates the three arrays needed in procedure KWIC_GEN.What is sub matrix?Answer: Sub Matrix is a matrix in which you have given an n*n square matrix where each element is either 0 or have to find the square sub_matrix with the largest length such that all the elements along the border of that square sub_matrix matrix is 1To...

Ajax Interview Questions

Ajax Interview Questions Part-31. What's AJAX ?AJAX (Asynchronous JavaScript and XML) is a newly coined term for two powerful browser features that have been around for years, but were overlooked by many web developers until recently when applications such as Gmail, Google Suggest, and Google Maps hit the streets.Asynchronous JavaScript and XML, or Ajax (pronounced "Aye-Jacks"), is a web development technique for creating interactive web applications...

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