Engineers and Graduates
Career in the forces, in addition as a career, is also an adventure in itself. To ensure that appropriate candidates are chosen, a comprehensive selection process is adopted by the armed forces through Service Selection Board (SSB) interview. This system of selection is based on the "trait theory" of leadership which assumes that every leader must have some specific and pre-determined leadership traits. It also presumes that such traits can be acquired by a candidate with the passage of time meaning thereby that a person once rejected in an SSB interview is likely to succeed if he acquires some of the traits with the passage of time. The present system of selection, although is long and takes four to five days, is thus based on an objective assessment of each candidate in which the qualities like initiative, alertness, judgment, courage, physical fitness endurance, cooperation, group planning, decisiveness, knowledge, etc. are judged.
The three wings, army, navy, air force of defense recruit large number of engineers every year. Lifestyle is quite different and challenging as another civilian jobs. Those who get in to these services should make up their mind firmly as once a candidate joins any of these services, then it is not his option to quit the same before the expiry of stipulated minimum period.
Options & Opportunities for Engineers
There are two kinds of services in Defence.
1. Short Service Commission ( 5 to 7 yrs )
2. Permanent Commission
In some of the wings, provision exists for the extension of the duration of short Service Commission or conversion into Permanent Commission at an appropriate stage, subject to satisfactory performance of the duties.
Recently all the three wings have started recruiting female candidates also.
Entry points for the Engineers in Defence Services
Candidates possessing Engineering Degree or equivalent Degree from recognized University in the following disciplines are eligible for commission in the Corps of Engineers, Signals and EME.
a) Corps of Engineers Civil / Electrical or Mechanical Engineering.
b) Corps of Signals
1. Associate membership of the institution of Engineers (India) in telecommunication Engineering or Electronics as is accepted by the Institution in exception of passing sections 'A' and 'B' of its Associate Membership Examination.
2. Any Degree in Telecommunication or Electronics recognized by their ministry of Education for recruitment to supervisor posts and services under central Government.
3. Engineering (Electrical ) graduates from IIT with specialization in Telecommunication and Electronics.
4. BE / BTech. / BSc. (Engg.) in Compu. Sc.
BE / BTech. / BSc. (Engg.) in Electronics
BE / BTech. / BSc. (Engg.) in Telecommunication
MSc Compu. Sc.
c) Electrical and Mechanical Engineers
Electrical / Electronics / Mechanical / Automobile /
Metallurgical / Aeronautical / Production or Workshop technology or Aviation.
The applicants are to be submitted to :
Additional Directorate General of Recruitment,
Army Headquarters,
West Block - III, R.K. Puram, NEW DELHI-110 066.
University Entry Scheme for Indian Army
India Army offers to male Engineering Degree Students ( studying in final year ) permanent commission in the Army. The commission is offered in
1. corps of Engineers
2. Corps of Signals, and
3. Corps of electrical and Mechanical Engineers. The selection is through Service Board.
Women Special Entry Schemes (Offers) for Indian Army.
Commission to unmarried female candidates for Defence Services. Those relevant to Engineers are given below.
1. Engineers : (Engrs)
2. Signals : (Sigs)
3. Electrical & Mechancal Engineers : (EME)
The minimum educational qualifications for above services are as given below.
1.Engrs : BE Civil / BE ( Electrical ) / BE ( Mechanical ) / BE (Architecture) / BE ( Computers Science)
2.Sigs. : BE ( Telecommunication ) / BE ( Telecommunication & Electronics / BE( Computer Science)
/ BE ( Computer Engineering ) / BE ( Physics, Chemistry and Mathematics )
3.EME : MCA / BE Comp. Sc. / BE Computer) / BE Computer Science and Engineering ) / BE ( Electronics ) and Computer / BE ( Mechanical ) / BE ( Electrical ) / BE ( Automobile ).
Indian Air force offers a permanent commission / short service commission to male and female officers for technical branch. the course normally commences in May every year. The eligibility condition s are:
1. For Aeronautical Engineer ( Electronics ) Branch
you must have one of the following educational qualifications with minimum of 55% aggregate marks of all semesters / years in Degree Examination.
a. Engineering Degree in Electronics / Telecommunication / Electrical & Communication / Electronics & Communication / Instrumentation / Computer Science and Engineering OR a combination of these subjects.
b. B.Tech. in Radio Physics and Electronics of Calcutta University.
c. B.Sc. Physics , Mathematics, chemistry) & A.M.I.E or equivalent qualification in Electronics / Electrical / Telecommunication / Radio and Radio Engineering / Avionics / Associate Membership Examination of Aeronautical Society of India with Avionics / Communication along with 2 years experience.
University Entry Scheme
Under this scheme, the candidates are selected to join AE branch for permanent commission or short service commission while in pre-final year of their Engineering College. They will be paid a stipend equivalent to basic pay of Pilot Officer Rank (amounting to Rs. 230/- per month) for Permanent communication for the period of their final year's stay in the college. The short service commission candidates are entitled to a stipend of Rs. 1,150 /- per month.
1.Age Limit : 18 to 28 years.
2.Educational : Pre - final or Final year student of Engineering College.
3. Entrance : Applications are called for once a year through the news papers
4. Medical Fitness : As per laid down standards.
Short Service Commission for Women.
Women have always played a very active, through indirect role in maintaining the high morale of IAF by way of participating in various welfare and social activities of Air force bases. In continuation to its futuristic progressive and modern approach women will now be playing an active, direct role in furthering the glory of Air force by shouldering the duties which were exclusively of the country as:
Indian Navy
Listing down the details in the order ' Type of Entry / Branch, Age Limit, Educational Qualifications '
Executive Branch Permanent Commission
1. Naval Armament Inspection Cadre 20-25 A degree in Electronics / Mech. Engg. or Post Graduate Degree in Electronics or Physics.
Engineering Branch ( Marine Engineers ) Permanent Commission / Short Service Commission
1. Direct Entry 20 - 25 A Degree in Marine / Mech. / Aeronautical / Production Engineering or any other qualification recognized by the institution of Engineers ( India ) equivalent to a degree course.
2. University Entry 19 -23 Pre- Final / Final year students in degree course mentioned in 1 above.
Engineering ( Naval Architects ) Permanent Commission
1. Direct Entry 21 - 25 A second division degree in Naval Architecture / Mech. / Aeronautical / Civil / Metallurgical Engg.
Electrical Branch Permanent Commission / SSC
1. Direct Entry 20 - 25 A degree in Electrical / Electronics / Telecommunication Engg. or any other qualification recognized by the Institution of Engineers ( India ) or Institution of Telecommunication Engineers ( India ) as eqivalent to a degree course.
2. University Entry 19 - 23 ( Pre - final ) 19 - 24 ( Final ) Pre final students in degree courses mentioned at 1 above.
Recruitment of Officers in Army, Navy, & Air force
Recruitment of Commissioned Officers in the Armed Forces is mainly through the Union Public Service Commission (UPSC). For Technical Branches, women special entry scheme, NCC special entry scheme and service entries is made directly through the respective Recruiting Directorates for the Army, the Navy and the Air Force.
Recruitment through the UPSC
The UPSC holds an all-India competitive examination, known as the Combined Defence Services Examination (CDSE), twice a year. University graduates are eligible to appear in the examination. Successful candidates join the respective training academies, viz., the Indian Military Academy (IMA) for the Army, the Naval Academy for the Navy and the Air Force Academy for the Air Force.
The UPSC also holds, twice a year, an examination for entry into the National Defence Academy (NDA). Candidates on completion of the 10+2 Examination or while in the 12th standard, are eligible to compete in this examination. Successful candidates thereafter join the NDA. On completion of the NDA course, they are sent to the respective service academies for their pre-commission training.
Recruitment through Selection Boards
Recruitment through Service Selection Boards/Air Force Selection Board is made for the following branches of the Army, Navy and Air Force:-
· ARMY : All Arms and Services.
· NAVY : Electrical Engineering, Engineering (Naval Architects), Logistics, Law, Education, Air Traffic Control.
· AIR FORCE : Aeronautical Engineering (Electronics), Aeronautical Engineering (Mechanical), Education, Administration, Logistics, Accounts and Meteorology.
University Entry Scheme
Final/pre-final year students in engineering disciplines are eligible for induction into the technical branches/services of the Army, as Commissioned Officers under the University Entry Scheme.
Short Service Commission (Technical) Entry Scheme
The Short Service Commission (Technical) Entry Scheme envisages recruitment of qualified technical graduates through the SSBs, to attend the Officers Training Academy (OTA), Chennai, after medical tests, for a 10 months course. On completion of training at the OTA, successful candidates are inducted as Short Service Commissioned Officers in the technical branches of the Army.
Recruitment of Medical Officers
Medical graduates from the Armed Forces Medical College, Pune are directly inducted as permanent Commissioned Medical Officers in the Armed Forces. For recruitment of Regular Commissioned/Short Service Commissioned Medical Officers from the graduates/Post graduates of Civil Medical Colleges, the Director General of the Armed Forces Medical Services conducts an all India competitive examination.
Recruitment of Women Officers
Eligible women are recruited as officers on Short Service Commission basis in the following Branches of the Armed Forces.
ARMY : EME, Signals, Engineers, Army Education Corps, Army Ordnance Corps, Army Service Corps, Intelligence and Judge Advocate General’s Branch.
NAVY : All Branches of the Indian Navy
AIR FORCE: Flying, Aeronautical Engineering (Electronics), Aeronautical Engineering (Mechanical) Education, Administration, Logistics, Accounts and Meteorology.
Recruitment through NCC
University graduates possessing NCC ‘C’ Certificate with minimum ‘B’ grading and 50% marks in graduation are inducted in the Navy and Air Force as Regular Commissioned Officers and as Short Service Commission Officers in the Army. These graduates are exempted from appearing in the CDSE conducted by the UPSC and are selected through the SSBs.
Induction under Special Commissioned Officers Scheme
Government has approved the creation of a 6,000 strong Support Cadre of Special Commissioned Officers. These posts will be filled up by eligible JCOs and OR. Under this entry, serving JCOs/ NCOs/OR in the age group of 30-35 years, with an Army Senior School Certificate Pass (Class XI CBSE Pattern) qualification, will be eligible for commission after screening/selection through Service Selection Board and a Medical Board. They have to undergo a pre-commission training of six months duration. The officers so commissioned earn promotion upto the rank of Colonel. The rules for substantive promotion and acting promotion are the same as for regular officers. These officers are employed in units as sub unit Cadres/QM job/ERE appointments etc. upto the rank of Major. They retire at the age of 57 years after serving about 20-25 years as officers. The scheme not only improve the career prospects of the existing JCOs/NCOs/OR but also help in making up the deficiency of officers in the Army to a considerable extent.
10 + 2 Technical Entry Scheme
Under this scheme, candidates with 10+2 qualification, after selection through SSB, is sent for military and engineering training at IMA and the College of Military Engineering , Pune. Initial six months military training is followed by Degree Engineering training of 4 years. The objective of this scheme is to help in bringing down the deficiency of officers in technical Arms/Services.
Recruitment of Other Ranks (OR) in Army, Navy, & Airforce
Recruitment of Airmen to the Air Force is done through the Central Airmen Selection Board, located at the Air Force Station, New Delhi . There are 13 selection centres under this Board.
Recruitment of Jawans through Open Recruitment Rallies
A new system of recruitment has been introduced with effect from April 01, 1998 . Under the revised system, recruitment of jawans in the Army is carried out through open recruitment rallies only. Recruitment rallies are planned well in advance, keeping in view the geographical, demographical and topographical considerations. At least one such rally is held in each month, combining districts, areas and regions, depending upon the response anticipated, thereby giving every aspirant, irrespective of his place of residence, minimum one opportunity in a year to get himself enrolled in the Army. In the old system of Branch Recruiting Office-oriented recruitment, aspirants had to travel long distances to reach the nearest BRO for enrolment, whereas in the revised system, recruitment has been brought closer to their area of domicile. Advance publicity regarding an ensuing rally in a particular area/district is given by putting up hoardings, advertisement in local newspapers, radio etc.
Publicity for Recruitment
Measures have been taken to make the youth of our country more aware of the opportunities in the Army, both for officers including women officers and other Rank categories. The means of publicity adopted to attract better talent are as follows:
a) Press advertisements : Advertisements are released through the Directorate of Advertising and Visual Publicity (DAVP) in the Employment News/Rozgar Samachar and in newspapers in different languages for various entries viz – National Defence Academy, Combined Defence Services Examination, Technical Graduate Course, Short Service Commission (Technical & Non-Technical), University Entry Scheme, Law Graduates, Induction in Medical Services for both men and women, Special Entry Scheme (Officers), Havildar Instructors, Junior Commissioned Officers (Catering and Religious Teachers) etc. A composite advertisement on various entries in the Army is also brought out periodically both in English and Hindi. Concerned Zonal Recruitment Offices (ZROs)/ Branch Recruitment Offices(BROs) also publish advertisements on recruitment of Other Ranks in local regional newspapers.
b) Advertisements in Journals/Magazines: These are normally brought out in the journals of educational institutions
c) Hoardings are erected at ZRO/BRO premises as well as adjacent to Engineering Colleges all over the country to attract technical talents into the Army. DAVP approves the sites and thereafter, the hoardings giving detailed information are installed and maintained by them.
d) Printed Publicity: Information folders, leaflets, brochures, data cards, posters and blow-ups, prepared through DAVP and private professional agencies are widely distributed.
e) Exhibition and Fair: Each year, at the Defence pavilion at the India International Trade Fair, New Delhi , a stall is established where recruiting information is provided to visitors. This is also done in other organised fairs, which are career oriented and meant for students.
Image Projection Campaign
To meet out the shortage of officers and bring out awareness of the opportunities that are available on commissioning in the Army amongst the target group (youths) an advertising campaign was launched in September 1997 with the assistance of a professional advertising agency to project positive aspects of a wholesome career available to Service Officer. The aim of the campaign was to reach out to every corner of the country through the print, audio, visual and audio-visual media. An evaluation check of the impact of the campaign through independent market research agency MODE revealed that the campaign worked in the desired direction. On this basis the campaign is continuing.
How to Apply
National Defence Academy
Month of Commencement of Course each year January and July
Age at the time of joining 161/2-19 years
Educational Qualification Class 12 of the 10+2 system of education, or equivalent
Mode of selection NDA exam by UPSC and SSB interview
How to Apply Apply in response to advertisement in March/April & Oct./Nov.
Indian Military Academy
Direct Entry
Month of Commencement of Course each year January and July
Age at the time of joining 19-24 years
Educational Qualification Degree or equivalent at the time of joining the course
Mode of selection Combined Defence Exam (CDSE) conducted by UPSC and SSB interview
How to Apply Apply in response to advertisement in March/April & Oct./Nov.
Engineering Graduates
Month of Commencement of Course each year January and July
Age at the time of joining 20-27 years
Educational Qualification Engineering Degree in notified discipline
Mode of selection Direct SSB interview
How to Apply Apply to Addl. Directorate General of Recruiting (TGC), Army HQ, West Block III, RK Puram, New Delhi - 110066 in response to advertisement in March/April & Oct./Nov.
University Entry Scheme
Month of Commencement of Course each year July
Age at the time of joining 19-25 years (final year engineering students )
18-24 years (prefinal year engineering students )
Educational Qualification Final and pre-final year students of an engineering degree course.
Mode of selection Campus interview and SSB interview
How to Apply Apply in response to advertisement in July.
10+2 PCM (Tech)
Month of Commencement of Course each year January and July
Age at the time of joining 161/2-191/2 years
Educational Qualification 10+2 Pass with aggregate.
Mode of selection Apply directly to the Recruitment Directorate
How to Apply May and November..
Date of Examination : The examination conducted by UPSC is held twice a year in the months of April and September for which the notification is published in the Employment News in November and April respectively.
Eligibility :
Army Wing of National Defence Academy : 12th Class pass of the 10 +2 pattern of School Education or equivalent examination conducted by a State Education Board or a University.
For Air Force and Naval Wings of National Defence Academy : 12th Class pass of the 10+2 pattern of School Education or equivalent with Physics and Mathematics conducted by a State Education Board or a University.
Pattern of Examination :
You will appear for two papers comprising Mathematics and General Ability of 300 and 600 marks respectively. Both papers have objective type multiple choice questions. The duration for each paper is 2-1/2 hours.
The Mathematics paper consists of Arithmetic, Mensuration, Algebra, Geometry, Trignometry and Statistics. The General Ability paper is divided into two parts :
Part A : English Usage (Maximum Marks 200)
Part B : General Knowledge (Maximum Marks 400)
The General Knowledge paper broadly covers Physics, Chemistry, General Science, Social Studies, Geography and Current Events.
Interview : (900 marks)
In addition to the interview, candidates are given the following tests :
Intelligence Test (verbal and non-verbal)
Group Tests (group discussions, group planning, out-door group tasks)
Brief lectures on specified subjects.
All these tests are intended to judge the mental calibre of the candidate.
The selected candidates are trained at the NDA for 3 years. After completion of training they are awarded a Bachelor\'s degree by the Jawaharlal Nehru University, Delhi.
The selected candidates for the three services, viz., Army, Navy and Air Force are given preliminary training both academic and physical for a period of 3 years at the National Defence Academy which is an Inter-Service Institution. The training during the first two and a half years is common to the cadets of three wings. On passing out from the National Defence Academy, Army cadets go to the Indian Military Academy, Dehra Dun, Naval Cadets to the Cadets Trainingship and Air Force cadets to AFA, Hyderabad/BFTS, Allahabad.
The Indian Military College (RIMC) prepares students for NDA.
The candidates should not be less than 12 years of age but must not have attained the age of 13 years on 1st January (for terms commencing on 20th January) and 1st July (for terms commencing on 1st August).
The candidates should have passed class 7th from a recognised school at the time of admission into RIMC.
For the prospectus and question papers for admission to RIMC you may contact the Administrative Officer at the following address :
The Rashtriya Indian Military College (RIMC) Dehradun Cantt. 248003, U.P.
This examination is conducted by UPSC twice a year in May and October for which the notification is published in the \'Employment News\' in November and April respectively.
Educational Qualification
For IMA and Officers\' Training Academy : Degree of a recognised University or equivalent
For Naval Academy : B.Sc. with Physics and Mathematics
For Airforce Academy : Degree of a recognised University or equivalent with Physics and/or Maths as subjects. Candidates who have passed their degree examination with subjects other than Physics and/or Maths are also eligible provided they have passed their Higher Secondary Examination or 12th standard examination under the 10+2 system or an equivalent examination with Mathematics and Physics, as subjects of the examination.
Age :
IMA : Unmarried male candidates. 18 years to 23 years
Naval Academy : Unmarried male candidates. 18 years to 21 years.
Airforce Academy : Unmarried male candidates. 18 years to 22 years
Officers\' Training : Male candidates (married or Academy bachelor). 18 years to 24 years
Pattern Of Examination :
The competitive examination comprises :
a) A written examination
b) An interview
Written Examination :
I. For admission to Indian Military Academy, Naval Academy and Air Force Academy :
Subjects Duration Maximum Marks
1 English 2 Hours 100
2 General Knowledge 2 Hours 100
3 Elementary Mathematics 2 Hours 100
II. For admission to Officers Training Academy :
Subjects Duration Maximum Marks
1 English 2 Hours 100
2 General Knowledge 2 Hours 100
Following the written examination selected candidates are called for an interview. In addition to the Interview candidates are also given the following tests :
Intelligence Test (verbal and non-verbal)
Group Tests (group discussions, group planning, out-door group tasks)
Brief lectures on specified subjects.
All these tests are intended to judge the mental calibre of the candidate. In broad terms this is really an assessment for not only one\'s intellectual qualities but also one\'s social traits and interests in current affairs.
Air Man
Young men can join as an Airman in either the Technical and Non-Technical trades of the Air force. The Airman cadre provides opportunities for men (only men)with matriculate or below, 10+2 /Intermediate, graduates, Diploma holders and postgraduates in either of the three combatant groups i.e 'X', 'Y' or 'Z' of the technical and the non-technical trades. Candidates short listed after the initial selection procedure, are allotted a suitable trade and go through a rigorous training regimen at one of the training institutes. Thereafter, they are inducted and posted as Airmen at any of the Air Force Stations.
Each trade offers opportunities to grow and enhance your skills. Depending on your inclination and talent/suitability you can move from one trade to the other and grow in ranking. One can even get commissioned as an Officer in the Air Force.
As an airman under the Technical Trades, the work involves the maintenance and testing of aircraft and flying related equipment. One will also be directly or indirectly involved in the maintenance and overhaul of ground equipment and armament. As an airman in the Non-Technical trades, the work involves assistance and support to the various functions from weather forecasting to maintenance of records and files of the Indian Air Force and all its branches.
As an Airman, apart from your basic pay, you are also entitled to a number of perks and benefits. Even during the training period you get a monthly stipend of Rs. 2850 if you join Combatant Group X or Y and Rs. 2650 if you join Combatant Group Z. The basic pay of the lowest ranking 'Aircraftsmen' (AC) to the highest ranking 'Master Warrant Officer' (MWO) in the three combatant groups, range from Rs. 4500-10,700/ month. Along with the pay there are benefits such as free accommodation, free ration, medical facilities, children's schooling, Insurance cover, after retirement benefits etc.
The Technical Trades and Non - Technical Trades grouped under 3 combatant groups- Combatant 'X', Combatant 'Y' and Combatant 'Z'. The various trades in each group are:
Groups Combatant 'X' Combatant 'Y' Combatant 'Z'
Technical Trade
* Radio Fitter
* Radar Fitter
* Missile Fitter (E)
* Missile Fitter (L)
* Missile Fitter (M)
* Workshop Fitter (B)
* Workshop Fitter (C)
* Instrument Fitter
* Electrical Fitter
* Airframe Fitter
* Plant Maintenance Fitter (E)
* Plant Maintenance Fitter (M)
* Weapon Fitter
* Photo Technician
* Safety Equipment Worker
* Machinist
* Mechanical Transport Technician
* Air Defence System Operator
* Radio Technician
Non -Technical Trade
* Education Instructor
* Ground Training Instructor
* Meteorological Assistants
* Air Field Safety Operator
* Telephonist / Radio / Telephone Operator
* Indian Air Force Police
* Clerk General Duties
* Equipment Assistant
* Clerk Pay Accounting
* Medical Assistants
* Mechanical Transport Drivers
* Aircraft Hands General Duties
* Catering Assistant